Many of you know my hubby, Matt, many of you do not - he is such a great guy and today he was a total sweetie. As I mentioned before, I will be doing the Creating Keepsakes Convention in San Marcos this weekend and today was set up. I was exhausted ...
Hi Everyone! Today is the first day I have been on my computer and I was in tears over all the nice comments you all left for me, I am very touched! I try not to complain about anything on my blog, good grief, we all have enough going on without you needing ...
Sorry y'all, I am in bed sick right now and not able to do much papercrafting. But I have some incredible ideas of what to make when I am back up and around.
Today's post is all about Barbie Drama - not stamping! My daughter found out a while back that there was a new Barbie movie coming out and has been stalking the Sunday paper ever since. Then today, there is was, the new Barbie movie - and me ...
While I never meant for this to turn into a week-long series on storage ideas, I keep getting asked for more and more. I will make a trip down the road this weekend to get the spice rack name. I use the same racks for my little punches. I wish ...
Yesterday I shared with you my favorite way to store ribbon, today it is all about punch storage ideas. Once again, I have tried everything, from Iris bins/drawers, to cut apart cereal boxes (yes, I have tried this), tried standing them up, tried stacking ...
Especially with the new Ribbon special going on, I often get asked my favorite ribbon storage idea. I have bought almost every type of ribbon storage you can ever imagine. The boxes with the holes you poke your ribbon ends through, the rods that you ...
I hope that you had as wonderful a three day weekend as I did! I played and played and then when I was done, I played some more! We played as a family on Saturday. Then on Sunday I had a meeting with the demonstrators in my group, and that was probably the most ...