Happy Independence Day!

 Happy Independence Day!  Use plenty of sunscreen, don't relight a dud sparkler and stay hydrated!  Enjoy a day off and then check back here tomorrow for more fun!

Emily Turns 11

My OSM Emily turns 11 today.Wow.And I mean wow.She is an amazing young lady with a heart of gold.  She is a tough cookie, a hard worker, so very smart, beautiful, talented and so much more than that.Her style is her own.  These pics are from her ...

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of you and yours who are fathers, grandfathers, men who step in for dads who can't or won't be there and for all you Moms who have had to play both roles!     

Brand New 2017-2018 Stampin’ Up! Catalog!

Did you get your brand spankin' new, shiny, no fingerprints, smells-so-good 2017-2018 Stampin' Up! Catalog yet?NO!!!!!!  This cat is SHOCKED!  Sorry - I get really goofy when we have new stuff!  Don't you just love new stuff!  Here's ...

Memorial Day – We Honor Those Who Served

 Today is Memorial Day. It is a day of cookouts and a day off and usually when we start to cheat and act like it's summer. And that's AWESOME.But it is also the day we honor those who died in service to our country and I want to be sure to take the ...

2017 Stampin’ Up! Retiring Stamp Sets On SELLOUT Status!

Just a quick note to let you know that as of today, the 2017 Stampin' Up! retiring stamp sets are on a While Supplies Last Only status!This means if there is a stamp set that is retiring and you want it, PLEASE order it now. Don't wait! Every single year I get ...

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