A Little Ghoulish Googlies Love to Make an Easy Card

This dang Ghoulish Googlies Designer Kit from Stampin' Up! is so dang cute and more than versatile - I need a word for more than versatile... and it helps you make an easy card! True Confession:  I am not that big a Halloween person - I am not opposed to ...

Stampin’ Up!’s Wicked Cool – Easy Card to Make

I wanted to start my week with an easy card to make so I jumped right to my Wicked Cool stamp set from Stampin' Up!  This is an easy card that doesn't look so easy but it only uses one stamp set and one ink pad.  And as I often say to myself, ...

I LOVE my Hubby!

Many of you know my hubby, Matt, many of you do not - he is such a great guy and today he was a total sweetie.  As I mentioned before, I will be doing the Creating Keepsakes Convention in San Marcos this weekend and today was set up.  I was exhausted ...

Update and Thank You!

Hi Everyone! Today is the first day I have been on my computer and I was in tears over all the nice comments you all left for me, I am very touched!  I try not to complain about anything on my blog, good grief, we all have enough going on without you needing ...

Meg Cannot Come and Play Today

Sorry y'all, I am in bed sick right now and not able to do much papercrafting.  But I have some incredible ideas of what to make when I am back up and around.

How Do I Fix the Barbie Drama?

Today's post is all about Barbie Drama - not stamping!  My daughter found out a while back that there was a new Barbie movie coming out and has been stalking the Sunday paper ever since.  Then today, there is was, the new Barbie movie - and me ...

Small Punch Storage Idea and Framelit Storage Idea

While I never meant for this to turn into a week-long series on storage ideas, I keep getting asked for more and more.  I will make a trip down the road this weekend to get the spice rack name.  I use the same racks for my little punches.  I wish ...

Punch Storage Ideas and More Ribbon Storage Ideas

Yesterday I shared with you my favorite way to store ribbon, today it is all about punch storage ideas.  Once again, I have tried everything, from Iris bins/drawers, to cut apart cereal boxes (yes, I have tried this), tried standing them up, tried stacking ...

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