Friday Flip Using Framelits and Patterned Paper to Make a Card – Video Tutorial
Welcome to this week's Friday Flip where we will be using Framelits and patterned paper to make a Thanks card. Just like the other Friday Flips, this one has a video tutorial.
Below you will find the inspiration project, the complete list of supplies as well as the video tutorial.
This is our inspiration project:
I love all the layers. This one was a bit simple for my liking, but when I saw it, I saw nothing but possibilities!
Here is your Friday Flip Video Tutorial:
The only supply not listed in the grid below is the 10 Second Bow Maker.
This must-have tool is made by my sweet hubby, and my ridiculously cute kiddo helps me package and ship them.
To grab your 10 Second Bow Maker, head over to or simply click the image below.
Quick Order Links of Supplies Used. Simply Click on the item to order online.
Thank you so much for joining me for this week's Friday Flip! I hope you enjoyed seeing this different way to use the Window Frames Framelits – and I love that patterned paper! See you next week in our next Friday Flip video tutorial!