Sunday Share
I shared this last week and I rec'd so many emails about it, asking me to keep this up – as it was something I used to do regularly. So here we go…
We painted. Yep, we painted. All because of miscommunication. Matt woke up on Saturday very nauseated and said that he was planning to tape the game room this weekend and paint it next weekend. I told him that Emily and I could help. And he said okay.
Apparently, in all of that, what he heard in that very brief conversation, is that we were painting the game room this past weekend. (I often imagine myself sitting in a movie theater, wearing 3D glasses, and eating popcorn just watching how his brain works.)
So, we painted. The painting journey started a little over a year ago. We have a two story house and it's open concept – so few wall and no real start and stop places, meaning when you start in one room, you carry the same color throughout most the house. This house is 7 years old and is/was all builder grade paint. Which means when you go to clean any scuffs off the wall, the paint comes off as well. This is the third house with builder grade paint, so we have our little groove we are in to get it done. But with 2020 being the way it is, it's taken longer than planned.
We started in the dining room a little over a year ago and then worked our way out and up. The game room was the last room of the open space with the exception of a little hallway from our garage. While I wasn't planning on painting, it feels good to have it done.
Matt has his next big test tomorrow, it's scheduled for all day. Hopefully it will give some insight on what is going on with this poor guy. He is still throwing up on a daily basis. So fingers crossed we get some answers this week!
Emily is about to head into finals. She has one this week and then the rest the following week. She's a wee bit stressed, but feeling positive about them overall.
As for me, last week was a great week and I plan to bring that feeling into this week. For the first time in 2020 I put a check mark next to every task I had for last week. My friends, that felt amazing! It was a long week with 12 hour days, and by Friday afternoon I wanted to just call it. I had one more project that would take me several hours to do, and I so wanted to push it into this week. But I fought for that last check mark.
I have no regrets fighting for it, it was worth it. The remaining two issues of Papercrafting Triple Play are done. Finished. Edited, published, and emailed out. That's been a big deal to wrap up! Also, I finished planning most of the content for Stamping Family for the month of December. I made two huge decisions for Stamping Family last week as we are approaching another huge milestone that I will be sharing soon. So much done and checked off – I am still beaming over that and excited to head into this next week.
We are wrapping up our weekend doing cocktails in the cul-de-sac with our neighbors. We all bring out our chairs and drinks, sit socially distanced from each other – share, laugh, let the kids run around like the crazy kids they are – and just enjoy each other's company. I love my neighbors! I will have to write more about them soon, but I feel a mimosa coming on.
Until next time, wishing you a productive and positive week, see you in the next project! XOXO, Meg
Hi Meg! So sorry to hear that Matt isn’t feeling well. I sure hope they get to the bottom of it soon! Other than that it sounds like things are going good for you. I’m so happy for you. Getting things done does lift the spirits for sure. I took the leap and signed up to be a SU demo earlier this year. I’m my one and only customer!! LOL It’s how I wanted it to be and it’s going great. I now have all the Blends and Ink. It’s on to paper! Woot Woot!! Hope your holidays are perfect for you, Matt and Emily!! Hugs!!