If you are on my email list, you received an email yesterday that talked about the doors to Stamping Family to new registrations for quite a while.
(If you aren't on my email list, take two seconds to do it, it's free, you are the first to know about things, and you get fun ideas just for being on the list. It's on the right side of your screen to sign up.)

The biggest question I get asked is WHY? Why am I not allowing registrations after Thursday?
The answer is, we found it to be better for our members. So that's what we go with.
If you don't know much about Stamping Family, let me take a few minutes and brag on our family….
Back in 2009, I was running online classes, but class participants couldn't talk to each other. So in 2013, as this issue was becoming more of a thing, I changed the name to Stamping Family and launched the new site!
It is a fun site, where members get to pick their own experience, which is my favorite part!
We have members that simply come in, watch the videos, and log out.
We have members that watch videos, leave comments, and log out.
We have members that watch videos, make projects, upload the image of their project to their gallery, and enjoy other members leaving comments on their projects.
We have members that don't watch any of the regular videos and only join in the Zoom calls we have.
We have members that never join a Zoom or watch a Zoom replay.
We have members that only look in the gallery and never watch a video.
We have members that join in swaps.
We have members that don't join in swaps.
We have members that do everything in the site, watch videos, join zooms, add to the gallery, comment on other projects in the gallery, mail cards to other members that opt into the mailing list, participate in Secret Stamper exchange, and more!
The point of all of that is, however the site is right for you, then that's how you are a perfect member.
There are over 700 videos, over 5 classes (I can't remember off the top of my head), thousands of gallery images (that means from members not from me), forums, Zooms, and much more. You get access to all of it on day 1 of signing up.
There is no minimum amount of time you have to be a member, past your first month. You can cancel anytime up to 72 hours before your rebill the next month. (That's not me being mean, I pay to process your credit card, then I pay to process refunds, and I like being an active wife and mom, I am not glued to my computer.)
Yesterday, a brand new member sent me an email and said she was worried that I might not want her since she doesn't want to do zooms, swaps, or participate in the forums – we love all members regardless of how they use the site!
Just because there are a lot of options, doesn't mean you have to use them all. If I charged per feature, the price would be way higher than $12.50/month. This works better when YOU pick and choose the features that you want, and how you want this site to help you be a better card maker.
So the doors close to new registrations until probably late Spring. They close on Nov 17th at 10pm central time.
If Zooms are right for you, we have one on Nov 16th at 2pm central – it's a sketch challenge so no supplies are needed, I don't even pick the sketch until right before, so I can participate as well. Yep, I'm not just the founder, I am participating member!
Another email I got yesterday was someone who said she has more stamps and dies that she could ever use, so she didn't want to buy more.
I failed to mention that. It's a pitch free site. I encourage members to use what they already have. Some of our challenges even include using items they have never used before.
The whole goal of Stamping Family is to help you make cards. To inspire you to create, to try something new, to learn a new technique, to play along with different markers – I may use Blends, you can bring out your Copic – I don't care what you use, not even what brand you use. You use what you want and we are all happy.
Happy stampers, doing their thing – maybe I should make that the new tag line for Stamping Family. The tag line is, Your Home For Papercrafts.
And I embrace that tag line so much. My goal is for you to feel like you are sitting around the same table with everyone and just enjoying each other through this crazy craft that bonds us together.
If you have any questions, you have several options. Email me, meg@iteachstamping.com, call me 512 716 0632 – just not from 2-3pm central on Wednesday – we have a Stamping Family Zoom, or leave a comment below.
Just please don't wait until Friday to ask, it will be too late.
So to recap…
Stamping Family = Fun
Doors Closing to New Registrations – Site not closing
Be as active or inactive as you want – we love you however you use the site
Have questions? Ask.
Site registration ends at 10pm Central on Thursday, Nov 17th.