Simple Christmas Card Idea

Are you making or your Christmas cards, or thinking about making your own Christmas Cards?  If you are like me this year, you want to do it, you know you should do it, but if it is going to happen at all, then it has to be a simple Christmas card.  I have made a video of today's card to show you just how simple it is.

If you need stamps, be sure to look at all the ones listed below because they are ALL on sale until Monday – there are 25 of them, and they are 25% off.

To order any of them, click here.

Here is the video of today's card:

Here are all the sets on sale and my hands down, absolute fabulous one is Gorgeous Grunge!!!!



I hope you enjoyed today's video tutorial!  And really think about whether you want to make your cards – I am here to help you if you do!


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