Need a Quick ‘You Made My Day' Card for a Friend?

Close your eyes for a moment, WAIT – read this little part first, then close your eyes.  Imagine that you are having a Monday kinda day.  And you finally decide to go and check the mail.  You have a feeling that it will be all bills and credit card offers.  You open your mailbox and BAM – this card is sitting in your mailbox.

NOW close your eyes and imagine that.  I will give you a few seconds to do that…

How does that change your day?  That, my friends, is the power of a card.  Let's take it a step further… what if on the inside or the back there was a reference that someone had made this card for you – DOUBLE BAM – right?  That is the power of a hand made card.  Don't go after you look at the card, be sure to read to the bottom.

Here is the quick ‘You Made My Day' card:

quick greeting card video tutorial

And I made you a video tutorial teaching you how to make the card, remember to read on after you watch the video.

Let me ask you this:   Who are you denying this gift to?  Who do you know that needs this kind of pick me up and you haven't given that to them yet.  Take a second and just leave a first name in the comments section below.  I hope you enjoyed learning how to make this quick ‘You Made My Day' Greeting card and the video tutorial!

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