“What do you do for clear stamp storage?” asks Amy, from NJ.
That is a great question Amy! Rather than just answer back her email, I thought many of you might like to see what I do for my clear stamp storage.
For years, I just kept it in the original packaging and then pulled off the clear back each time I wanted to use it, but I am a lazy stamper! (Am I alone in the lazy category? Have you ever not used a tool or accessory because you didn't want to have to clean up after yourself? Leave me a comment if you understand what I mean about this – I wanna know!!!)
So being lazy, I would even be so lazy as to not want to mess with pulling off the backing sheet. I am not proud of this. Seriously. Not proud. I constantly tell Emily not to be lazy when it comes to putting up her clothes or hanging her towel on the hook in her bathroom We even put a hook up folks, because the towel bar was too much work 🙂
OK, so we have established that I have lazy stamping tendencies, but what does that have to do with clear stamp storage?
When your stamps arrive, they are like this:
Here is what I do…
Peel off your top layer and all your stamps.
Then slide the sheet that has the printing on it into the back of case. I do this with the reverse side facing into the case.
Then place your stamps on top. The reason I do the reverse side is so that you have the back part of your stamp, the side that is the biggest and goes on your clear block, fully touching the case.
Now, do we really need the clear overlay? That is up to you. I say no. Kinda. I don't throw it out – I worry that one day I just might need it. I don't know when that day would be or what I would possibly need it for, but I sleep better at night knowing it is tucked away on the opposite side of the case behind the printed insert. Just in case 🙂
That's it! It takes two seconds to pull out a stamp! AND the added bonus is that you can rapidly see if any of your stamps are missing!
Have questions about this or anything else that you want to see answered on the I Teach Stamping blog? Send me an email (meg@iteachstamping.com)!
Also, this tip is located in Stamping Family along with many other paper crafting tips! If you aren't a member, come and check out our friendly site that is full of video instructions, free classes for members, image galleries, and of course, tips! Click here it to check it out!
UPDATED: After so many asked in the comments and on Facebook, below are the links you can use to order the blank/empty cases. The first one listed is the size in the photo. It is a DVD size case, it is 5/8″ wide.  The wide size is 1-1/4″ wide, so double the width of the first. And then the half cases are the same width as the wide size, just half as tall.
Regardless of the size you buy, each pack contains four cases.
Quick Order Links
I hope you enjoyed this quick tip on Clear Stamp Storage – see you in the next post!
Where do you get the cases
Hi Cheryl! You can get them here: http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=119105&dbwsdemoid=86451
Well I can relate to the laziness 🙂 Great idea however I’m not sure what kind of case you use or where to get them.
Hi Sharon! As others have said, we need to call it being efficient and not lazy :)!!! When you order stamps through Stampin’ Up!, their stamps come in those cases. But you can also get them empty/blank here: http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=119105&dbwsdemoid=86451
I’ve never had a stamp arrive in a case so where do you get them ?
Hi Elaine! All the ones from Stampin’ Up! come in cases like that when you order their stamps. But you can also get the blank/empty ones from them too. Here is where you can get them: http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=119105&dbwsdemoid=86451
Great tip! I find that I sometime store the stamps on top of the printed overlay and over time, the blank ink starts to come off. This is a great solution!
That was one of the things that drove me nuts too Debbie!
I don’t call it lazy, it is time saving so you can get more done! I love this idea and I am going to get mine done this way! Thanks for the creative time-saver!
Love that Diane – it’s all about perspective, right?
How about using the clear overlay for a shaker card
Perfect idea Sherida!
Hi Megan ~ I did this when I started stamping and was trying to get organised. I put mine into cd cases but that was a big mistake as after a time there was a reaction and they all went sticky and gooey. Looking back now I should have put the clear sheet in first I just stuck them straight on the the case. I will have another go as it looks good for small stamps.
I’ve done this ever since the clear stamps came out but I take it one step further. I put a glue dot on the printed portion so that when I slip it in the case it doesn’t come out. Why you ask? Well, I had some come out. I do find that they don’t stick as well to the case but who cares, they are all in one place! Love it!
Love that Cindy! I will start doing that myself 🙂
Oh, my goodness, Meg! So simple, and so sensible! That’s for the tip! Karen
So happy it helped you Karen!!!
Thanks for the tip! And, if you are like me, you are really not lazy. I have just a small amount of time to scrapbook and stamp, so I don’t want to waste it doing unnecessary, repetitive tasks! I like to look at it as efficiency, not laziness!
Love that Flo!!! Efficient, not lazy! It’s all about perspective, right?
This is a great tip, Meg!
Where in the world do you come up with these terrific ideas, Meghan. I love this.
Just been doing this so long, and always looking for solutions 🙂
Great idea. I think I will do this.
Awesome Beth!!!
I had to tape my sheet onto the plastic. If I didn’t it kept falling out the bottom. Did you have to do that Meg?
I haven’t – but someone else commented that they use a glue dot. I will start doing that right away, because I don’t want them falling out!
I spent all of my career as a software person and we found short cuts for everything we could. And many times those shortcuts helped us be more efficient. So I don’t call it laziness, I prefer to call it efficiency: Anything that helps you do things in a better and more productive way. Thanks for the tip!