Do you sometimes feel like your cards made with paper scraps look sort of….random? Like they weren't intended to look like they ended up?  I talked a little about this here in this post and today I have a card that is the opposite. And THIS scrap is a totally random shape but the way it was used makes it look VERY intentional.  Check it out:

REALLY Cute Cards Made With Paper Scraps

I know, right?  SO CUTE!

This scrap of paper is from the holiday intended Merry Little Christmas Designer Series Paper. But this year, Stampin' Up! was super smart and in recognition that some people just don't make a ton of “Christmas” cards, they put a lot of NON-Christmassy patterns in the mix. This makes these papers SO much more useful and you can use that to your advantage by using those non-holiday patterns in your winter season all purpose cards.

And THIS paper is all about the black and white and Old Olive and I use Old Olive a LOT and since there's only ONE pattern in this Merry Little Christmas Designer Series Paper – the black pine trees on the white background – I know this is one I will be using a LOT this winter. And you only have until the end of December to get it. And that means I only have until……………….hang on – be right back.

OK – just went and ordered some more for me, me, me!  Scared myself there for a sec. Back to the post.

I was saying we can use those awesome non-holiday patterns on our winter cards. Here's another peek:

Cards Made WIth Paper Scraps Can be OUTstanding

Now, I don't know about you but buffalo plaid to me says warm and cozy and snuggly and soft – all the things you want people to feel when they open a handmade card from you.  This one really IS an all purpose card because the greeting can set you up for a thank you, a I am thinking of you, a so sorry things stink right now, a come on over and let's solve all the problems of the world……… get it.

AND – BONUS – these cards made with paper scraps are all going to be different because the scraps are all likely to be a little different BUT you can use the same design plan for all of them so they will still go together nice and fast. All I did was frame out the scrap with a piece of glimmer paper and it set the scrap off so nicely it really looked completely intentional. Adding the little mug, punched out with a circle instead of fussy cut this time, right at the corner added the balance and popping it up a little made it stand out and gave it a whimsical feel.

Great Idea for Cards Made With Paper Scraps


Here's what you are going to want to pull out to make THIS card but of course, yours will be different thanks to your repurposing your scraps:

Here's one last look at this super cute card:

Sneaky Designs for Cards Made With Paper Scraps


Just think Scrap + Framing + Cute Motif at a good intersection point + Greeting = Awesome. I totally encourage you to browse through your scraps and see what you have to try out this technique to come up with your own cards made from paper scraps.


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