A recent question asked on my Facebook page was “What color could you not live without?” I LOVED going through all the answers you all gave because I could not answer it myself. Simply couldn't – maybe that is why I asked it, I don't know. And then how about card making color combinations?
Color is such an amazing part of card making, right? You can take the same card in two different color palettes and have one look amazing and the other look, well, let's just say not amazing.
But sometimes I get into color ruts. I use the same ones over and over and over again.
And based on feedback from many of you, I am not alone in this 🙂
When Stamping Family was created, color inspirations were another item that went to the top of the ‘must-have list'. Every week we have a new inspiration palette for our members, plus each member has her own gallery to share her creations with other members.
If you find yourself creating in the same colors all the time and wanna switch it up, come and check out Stamping Family. Did I mention that we never take the old ones down? Today I loaded in number 116!!!
So where do these card making color combinations come from? All over. I look for nature, fabrics, posters, coffee mugs – all kinds of places. Let me show you a recent favorite of mine…
Here is Color Inspiration #108:
Here is where the colors came from:
Here is my card that went along with it:
And this is just one of them, I actually made several cards using these colors.
If you are wanting to not only be able to get these new card making color combinations on a regular basis, to see what others are doing with them, and be able to share your work in your own gallery, then head on over and check out Stamping Family! We would love to welcome you as our newest member!! Click here to learn more.