If you are always searching for basic card making ideas, Stamping Family can be your one-stop-shop for EVERYTHING from color to sketches to tips to folds to projects to, well EVERYTHING!

Basic card making ideas

And I am starting a new series of videos where I will be revisiting some basic techniques and tips so we can remember and/or learn them to up our card making mad skillz. Here's one of my “Stamping Family Coffee Talk” videos where I explain more about this idea:





I can't WAIT to see what members come up with – they are always FULL of ideas and inspiration.  Here I built a whole community to inspire other people and I gotta say, I get just as much back!  I LOVE my Stamping Family members!

For less than the cost of one latte a week, you can be a Member too!  Click here to join and get started right away with all the fabulousness that awaits you at Stamping Family. From basic card making ideas to samples of things that will take your breath away, we've got it all!


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