An Easy Sympathy Greeting Card That You Can Make – Video Tutorial

Today I will be sharing an easy greeting card that you can make with the sentiment being With Sympathy.  To me, making sympathy cards are a way that you can really spend time thinking about the person that has passed or the loved one that is grieving.  I don't know about you, but when I buy a sympathy card in the past, it is usually at the grocery store, with the PA system announcing a clean up on aisle 9 or a price check at register 4.  How impersonal right?

I don't like to make them, just cuz I don't like to be sad.  But I HATE buying one, because there just really isn't reflection time.  And don't the recipients of the card deserve thoughts and prayers?

Making cards for someone is all about the connection.  That has been my stand on it for years now, and I hope that my world never becomes so out of whack that I lose that perspective.  OK, I will get off my soapbox :).

Today's card has a video tutorial that goes with it teaching you exactly how to make this card.

An Easy Sympathy Greeting Card That You Can Make, video tutorial
Here is the video tutorial:

You know that I love comments.  Leave me a comment stating whether you agree with what I said about connecting with others when you create for them or not.  I hope that you enjoyed learning how to make this easy sympathy greeting card and the video tutorial.

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