It's Never Too Early To Start Collecting Holiday Packaging Ideas
I don't care what you are planning to give to people this year it's never too early to start collecting holiday packaging ideas! In my Countdown to Christmas I am sharing a whole bunch of cute ways to give treats to your friends and family this year and the next issue goes out tomorrow! If you haven't signed up get for this free special issue publication, do it now and don't miss out on the fast, easy and fabulous ideas I am sharing. Sign up below; if you are already on my mailing list you are already getting this added feature free as a subscriber!
Now on to a stinkin' ADORABLE gift packaging idea I want to share with you. Check it out and then we'll talk about how easy this is to do!
Believe it or not this is a jar from the dollar store gussied up in just minutes with a cute layered belly band, a quick knot and a sweet little topper. You can fill this with Holiday M&Ms for a teacher, home made vanilla for a baking friend, hot fudge sauce – home made or store bought and doctored (ssshhhh, I won't tell!) for your neighbor……the possibilities are endless and since these come together so quickly you can whip up a batch or make 'em as you need 'em.
Here's what I used:
Once I know who will be getting this treat I will add a little tag and perhaps additional embellishments. There will be lots more holiday packaging ideas in the Countdown to Christmas and of course, if you wanted even MORE – and exclusive ideas – you can always check out Stamping Family where there are tons more ideas.