Have you downloaded and filled out your Christmas wish list yet? If not, do it TODAY and get it to me OR the people who will be showering you with stamping goodies because tomorrow is the last day to order and not have things get stuck on the sleigh in shipping!
I wanted to share with you a couple of emails I got about this year's wish list program:
“My poor husband NEVER knows what to get me and I know he tries so hard. This year I left hints ALL over the place about what I really wanted and accidentally ‘left out' my holiday wish list. Well, Meg, when you called him back he was SO excited!!!! He thinks I don't know so I won't say anything but I heard him telling his buddy. You've made him SUCH a happy man – that's almost better than me getting all my goodies. Thank you” – Sarah, NM
And this cute story:
“Hi Meg! I had to tell you that you will probably be getting a call from either my teenage son or my husband with my wish list. My son was here the other day telling me how bad he feels that we always get him everything he put on HIS Christmas list and I never tell him what *I* want. So I printed out your wish list form, filled out a few things and put it on his bed. I heard him say “YES!” when he got home so if you get a call from someone who CLEARLY has no idea what they are ordering, that's him. Thank you for making this so easy for them!” Anne, MA
This is one of the things I love about offering a Christmas wish list. Yes, YOU get the stuff YOU want. But when people get to GIVE you the stuff they know they want, you make them happy at the same time.
A Christmas wish list – it's a win win!