Today I want to show you how you can create quick DIY gifts using left over paper crafting supplies with very little effort – sssshhhhhh, I won't tell!
My daughter is part of the Cheer craze and as you may know, gifting is a huge part of the fun and excitement that comes with the carious events and competitions. While there's always a mandate that participants stay within a budget, the team members are all pretty close knit and love to delight each other with fun, personal and colorful treats. Well of COURSE I have to MAKE something!!! Check it out:
We went to the big box store and picked up the initial – they come in all sizes and fonts and they can be very inexpensive! My daughter painted it her friend's favorite color and then all I did was add a button in the same shade and some SUPER cute curlicues of left over pieces of ribbon from past projects and ends on spools (you keep those, too, right? Hoarder high-five!). I am almost embarrassed to share how easy this way but it's way too cute to keep to myself.
Of course when people see this they always want to know how I made the ribbon curl and stay curled. It's a secret but I will share it with you because you are so awesome. Simply take your ribbon, wrap it around a wooden dowel (I used one that's 1/4″ in diameter) about 12″ long, clip the ends with wooden clothespins – NOT plastic! – and “stand” the dowel on the ends of the clothespins so the ribbon doesn't rest on the cookie that you use. (The ribbon will melt if it comes in contact with the hot cookie sheet.) Heat at 225 for 20 minutes. Let cool and you will have sweet little curls that you can trim to your desired length and use as you wish. You can pick up the dowels at a craft store or home improvement store along with your wooden clothespins and just keep them on hand as part of your crafting tool stash.
You can do this with anything – a box, a frame, a gift tote – and make quick DIY gifts that are personalized both for the recipient and by you making it for them!