Super Easy No Layer Greeting Cards That You Will Love To Make and Send

Contrary to what some people think, no layer greeting cards do not have to be flat and boring – no layer cards can be beautiful and have loads of depth and interest!  And one of the easiest way to make a no layer card that is a standout also happens to incorporate a fun and practically limitless technique.  First let's take a look at one of the cards I made using this technique:

Easy, Fast and Gorgeous No Layer Greeting Card

When I tell you how easy this style of card is you won't believe it until you try it yourself.  All you do is cut a shape out of a scrap of cardstock using your Big Shot and your favorite Framelits.  Any negative space can be used but for cards where you want to create a lot of impact with minimal time and effort, larger shapes work better.

Then you gently sponge color through the space onto your card front.  This is where you can have so much fun experimenting with colors!  Just remember to start with a light touch – you can always add more color but it's very hard to mimic taking it away.

Now you want to choose a dark or bold ink for your focal image so it really stands out against your gorgeous colors.  You can stamp through the mask you made with your framelit shape as I did above or stamp over your colors as I did in another No Layer Card below.

Check out another one of these super simple no layer cards:

Fast, easy and gorgeous no layer greeting card

The beauty of this technique is that there really isn't a “right” or “wrong” way to do it so you are only limited by your imagination!

Here are the products I used:

Card 1

Product List

Card 2

Product List

Now, aren't you inspired to go create some beautiful, fast and easy no layer cards?

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