Stamp Room Makeover!

Welcome to updates on the Stamp Room Makeover!  There won't be a lot of stamping ideas on here this week as all my stamps, inks and countless accessories are all over my dining room, hallway, 1/2 bath and kitchen!!!

But I promised you pictures as it came together – this is the week it comes together!

We moved in a month ago and threw together a makeshift stamp room for me while we planned, plotted, schemed, measured, re-measured, and re-measured again.

It started with the paint.


stamp room makeover


The walls are a typical house beige, but the trim was as well.  It is like that throughout the entire house – and I am a white trim kinda person.  All the other trim is staying for now, but since I wanted a light gray on the walls, the trim could not stay beige!!


stamp room makeover

That hottie on the ladder is my fabulous hubby Matt.


stamp room makeover

BIG difference, right?


stamp room makeover

You can make out the gray color more in the corner that the rest of the pictures.

But it is all coming together!

More pictures to come, but I hope you enjoy seeing the stamp room makeover this week!

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