As you might have read, this month I am giving all of my fans, viewers and crafting peeps a behind the scenes look into Stamping Family and today I want to share with you a video tip on a fun way to use decorative ribbon on your cards.

You all know that I LOVE me some ribbon!  I can't get enough of it! From bows to knots, from big floppies to itty bitties, I just love it. (In fact, I love it and use it so much that I created the 10 Second Bow Maker so I could actually make a perfect bow every time – my fingers and forks and what not were NOT cutting it!) In this video I show you a super easy and fast way to create what I call a ribbon swag. Here's a card that uses this sort of decorative ribbon accent.

Now, one thing I want to mention ahead of time is that I can get pretty goofy when I make videos for Stamping Family. The people in Stamping Family are my tribe and I hang out in the Treehouse a lot so I have been able to get to know a lot of the folks over there pretty well. So when I make a video for them, I am all me. I don't put on my “professional crafter” hat and I just say it as it comes. You will get a peek at this goofiness and since everyone laughed WITH me and not AT me, I left it in. You've been warned.

Here it is:

Didja like that? I put up videos like this ALL the TIME on Stamping Family and they are one of the features that Members love the most. I love making them, too, and LOVE LOVE LOVE it when Members ask me to show them something they've wanted to see or learn or watch someone do first. Communication over there is totally a two way street and since there are no ads, your contributions or questions never get lost.

You can check out Stamping Family here – the only thing missing from the Treehouse is you! And in the meantime, channel your inner Zorro, grab some of your pretty decorative ribbon and go make some ribbon swags!

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